Batteria Nissan Leaf Gen 2 da 24 kWh (usata)

Pacco batteria della Nissan Leaf Gen 2

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3.490,00 €
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Pacco batteria Nissan Leaf Gen 2 da 24 kWh

Tensione nominale : 7,40 V
Tensione minima : 6,00 V
Tensione massima : 8,30 V
Capacità da nuova : 60 Ah
Numero di moduli : 48 unità
Ogni modulo
Dimensioni: 300 mm x 222 mm x 34 mm
3,65 kg

Nota: tieni presente che il prezzo è disponibile solo nell'UE. Per i paesi non UE contattaci via e-mail, poiché la spedizione verrà quotata in modo indipendente. Se ordini tramite il sito web, l'ordine non verrà elaborato.


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Question & Answer:

Q : Hi, can this battery work outside the car, for example, I buy some inverter, and some motor, and I want to test the motor with it, will the battery work since it is not placed in the car? Does the battery "know" it is not in the car and will it stop working? In this case, can the battery be recharged if it is not in the car, what else do I need to buy to charge it if I will not use it in the car? Thank you.

A: Hello, yes, the battery can be used outside the car, you need to make a bench test including the VCU in order to test the working of the motor. I can provide aftermarket VCU to help you with the test bench. Thanks.

person George @EVShop

Q : Hi, what is the quality left of the battery? 24kwh is actually available?

A: Hello, I don't have a fresh information at hand now, but last pack delivered was about 88% capacity. Thanks.

person George @EVShop

Q : Hi, I'm looking for replacement for my Renault Fluence ze. As I know the battery modules are the same as for Nissan Leaf. Is there left such a battery. What about for delivery to Bulgaria or pick up from Romania? Thanks!

A: Hello, we can help you with both delivery solutions. Thanks.

person George @EVShop

Q : Battery pack new or used?

A: Hello, this battery pack is OEM, used but in good condition. Thanks.

person George @EVShop

Q : Hi, How much cost delivery battery to Slovenia? What is SOH BATTERY?

A: Hello, I have sent you email. Thanks!

person George @EVShop