Standaard Orion 2 BMS kit
Hoogwaardige standaard Orion 2 BMS Kit van 24 tot 180 cellen!
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Question & Answer:
Q : Want to buyOrion BMS 2 120 Cell variant for EVE prismatic cells. Will it work with Solar Sofar HV inverter (HYD 20KTL-3PH)? With or without BMS and Inverter comunication.
Q : I want to put a breaker I the middle of 96 cells, so I need to buy O2BMS96-S ( Split configuration)
Q : Hi, I have a question, I want to buy a bms from Orion, I will use it with a VW gte 1 kWh (5 in Series), I would like to know if it communicates with the 4kw Fronius hv inverter,thanks
Q : Hi, I have a question, I want to buy a bms from Orion, I will use it with a Tesla Model 3 battery, I would like to know if it communicates with the 25 kw deye hv inverter,thanks
Q : Hello. I am keen to purchase an Orion 2 BMS for delivery to my mother in France, who will bring it to me in South Africa on 6th February. I am unsure about my chemistry yet, so my exact cell count is still unclear. It will either be 108 or 96. If I buy the 108 Orion kit, can it be reconfigured by me to use only 96 cells?